Take Action Against “Gender” Ideology
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contact organizations such as the WIAA and the AAP and tell them to protect kids by ceasing all “gender affirmation” practices.

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Speak at school boards, library boards, create or contribute to letter writing campaigns, and protest in front of pediatric gender clinics.

Continue Protecting Kids & Their Families
Don’t stop fighting against SB 5599!

Protest the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)!
This September, we will be protesting at the AAP annual convention in Orlando, Florida.
Support our efforts to protect all kids from dangerous “transgender” ideology.
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Representative Nancy Mace was one of several Congress people some of us met with after the SCOTUS demonstration, discussing the dangers of “trans” ideology. From left to right: Dawn Land, Gabrielle Clark (Affirming Reality), Rep. Nancy Mace, Dr. Nikki Johnson (FAIR in Medicine), and Erin Friday, Esquire ( Our Duty).
Demonstrating in front of SCOTUS during the Skrmetti deliberations, December 4, 2024. The case will determine in Tennessee can keep their law banning childhood “transitioning.”
Mary Bridge staff comes out to form a line and “protect” patients from our protesting about the harm inflicted on kids by “gender-affirmation healthcare”.
Protesting plastic surgeon La Belle Vie in Tukwila for performing double mastectomies (so-called “top surgery”) on girls as young as 13 years old. May 2021
Protesting pediatric gender clinics at Seattle Children’s Hospital, September 2021. This was the first protest at that location. Hospital staff came out to try to counter our protest.
Protesting the AAP Annual Convention at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC, October 22, 2023.
Jamie the Whistleblower had a booth of detransitioners inside on the AAP Convention floor. She came out to meet with us as we protested outside the convention. October 22, 2023, Washington, DC.
Protesting boys in the girls’ events at the Washington state track and field championship. Mt. Tahoma High School, Tacoma, May 2024
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Read the WPATH Files here
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is an TransActivist organization which tries to portray itself as a medical association. Despite WPATH’s lack of medical and scientific expertise, medical organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical Association (AMA), and the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) all base their practices and procedures on the policies created by the TransActivists at WPATH.
The WPATH Files is comprised of several leaked WPATH emails and documents that expose their ideology and show the lack of science and reason in their dangerous policies of “gender affirmation”.
Read the Cass Review here
Dr. Hilary Cass was commissioned by NHS England to do an independent review of “gender identity services” for children and young people. Her research is all science based and her conclusions really expose the dangers to children, teens, and young adults caused by so-called “gender-affirming care”.
Because of the massive health issues and side effects brought on by prescribing puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones to minors and young adults, the NHS England had already stopped providing “gender-affirming care” before this report was published. The confirmation of the dangers that come from basing medical policies and practices on “transgender” ideology has been thoroughly confirmed by the findings of Dr. Hilary Cass in the Cass Review.
Coaching help for parents of children with Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD)
For parents of a child that suddenly proclaims they would like to magically change their sex to “non-binary” or the opposite sex, it can be shocking and difficult to handle. Often when parents seek help, they are accused of being abusive and ostracized for not “affirming” their child’s confusion about their sex.
Gabrielle Clark found herself in just such a situation with her daughter. She was able to pull her daughter away from “gender ideology”. She now coaches parents on how to do the same for their own children.
Biological Integrity
A website started by pediatricians who have been speaking out against the dangers of “gender affirmation”. The website is filled with science based information and resources, including listing all states who have created laws safeguarding children from “gender” ideology.
SB 5599 rebrands parents as abusers and hides kids from parents
- KOMO News quoted Governor Inslee saying, “If a young person is totally estranged from their parents and has no meaningful relationship we need someone to care for that child and the way the legislation is set up is essentially, the Department of Children Youth and Families will step in to that position to care for that child so you have someone looking out for their benefit,” Inslee said. “In the real world we want these kids to be protected and not homeless and that’s basically the reason for this bill.” https://komonews.com/amp/news/local/senate-bill-5599-transgender-at-risk-youth-gender-affirming-reproductive-care-washington-state-shelters-dcyf-foster-kids-protests-rallies-governor-jay-inslee-olympia-state-capitol-lgbtq-children
✔️ False. Any runaway youth already has access to shelters. What the new law does is rebrand involved parents as abusers so that shelters and host homes can contact DCYF instead of the parents to notify families of their child’s whereabouts.
SB 5599 puts DCYF in charge of the custody of kids
- The AP says, “The bill does not address custody and would not result in the state taking children away from their homes and parents.”https://apnews.com/article/washington-minors-shelter-law-faa73cb08aad4b040d9c32e90ab6f8c0
✔️ False. The Bill allows host homes and shelters to contact DCYF to assist in “reunification”. If you have to get permission or approval to get your child back, your child is no longer in your custody.
Under SB 5599, Parents have no custody rights
- USA Today Fact Checkers wrote: “The bill referenced in the post does not allow the state to take a child from their parents’ custody, according to multiple legal experts and the bill’s sponsor. Rather, it allows runaway and homeless youth seeking protected health care services to stay at temporary shelters without immediately notifying their parents.”https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/04/26/fact-check-conservatives-misstate-washington-bill-youth-shelters-parents-gender-transition/11694658002/
✔️ Semantics. Because the law doesn’t make a direct statement on the issue of custody, supporters and ally’s take advantage and falsely claim it doesn’t exist. But the issue of whose custody the child is in can be clearly determined by who has the rights and who doesn’t. Under the law parents lose the right to be directly notified by the host home as to their child’s whereabouts and the state is involved in deciding whether or not parents can take their own child back home. Clearly, the parents have no custody rights under this new law.
Articles & Talking Points
- The (fake) battle between parental and children’s rights
- Brian Mittge Commentary: Sign R-101 to Protect Parents’ Rights and Kids’ Safety
- Referendum: Join the fight to protect parental rights
- LEADING THE CHARGE: Parent advocate Dawn Land is force behind referendum to take out SB 5599
- R-101 Talking Points (PDF) 504 KB
- Trans Fast Facts (PDF) 196 KB